Thursday Bible Study

All are welcome to weekly bible study at St Hugh’s. You don’t need previous knowledge. You don’t need to come every week. An opportunity to read Scripture together and say a few prayers.

7.30pm on Thursdays.

We use the NRSV (Anglicised) version of the Bible. Bibles are provided or you can bring your own.

11th July – Break for Parish Retreat to Hilfield Friary

18th July – Ezekiel 2-3 ‘Then I ate it, and in my mouth it was as sweet as honey’

25th July – Ezekiel 13 ‘They have misled my people, saying, peace, where there is no peace’

1st August – Ezekiel 34 ‘Ah, you shepherds of Israel’

After the Summer Break

5th Sept – Philippians 1 ‘I thank my God, every time I remember you’

12th Sept – Philippians 2 The Christ Hymn

19th Sept – Philippians 3 ‘Yet whatever gains I had, these I have come to regard as loss because of Christ’

26th Sept – Philippians 4 ‘Rejoice in the Lord always’

3rd Oct – Genesis 17 The Covenant

10th Oct – Genesis 18 ‘For the sake of ten I will not destroy it’

17th Oct – Genesis 22 ‘After these things God tested Abraham’

24th Oct – Revelation 1 ‘I am the Alpha and the Omega’

31st Oct – Revelation 3 ‘Listen, I am standing at the door, knocking’

7th Nov – Revelation 4 ‘Holy, Holy, Holy!’

14th Nov – Revelation 5-6 The Lamb of God

21st Nov – Matthew 1.18-end ‘Look, the virgin shall conceive’

28th Nov – Matthew 2 ‘Wise men came from the East’

5th Dec – Luke 1.1-38 The Annunciation

12th Dec – Luke 1.39-80 The Birth of John

19th Dec – Luke 2.1-20 The Shepherds

Break for Christmas