Youth Church & Children

Youth Church 2nd Sunday of every month during the 9.30am service, for 9-16 year olds.

Activity Service The last Sunday of every month the 9.30am service is an activity service for all ages to join in. Do come along!

Children 7 and up are encouraged to have a go at serving, carrying candles, laying the table, and even being responsible for the Holy Smoke!

The prayers on a Sunday are sometimes led by individuals, sometimes by whole families. Talk to Iris about having a go at reading or writing the prayers in your family.

If you want more info, or want to get involved, please contact Fr Thomas (

Hilfield Youth Camp August 2024

An opportunity for our teenagers to get away and have an adventure!

Hilfield Youth Camp takes place every August at Hilfield Anglican Franciscan Friary in Dorset (UK). Organised by experienced volunteers, HYC offers up to 50 young people aged 13 to 17 years the chance of a low cost, fun holiday in stunning surroundings, while exploring a Christian theme. This camp is built on friendship, community and faith. Runs Saturday 10th – Monday 19th August 2024. Go with a group from church, not on your own!

Low cost options available.